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Big Adirondack Bugs

August 16th, 2006 · 3 Comments · Adirondack Life

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Big Adirondack Bug


3 Comments so far ↓

  • Lyle

    Looks like a pleb cicadas!


  • Luke T. Bush

    Great shots.

    So how did you get so close to one? I always hear cicadas buzzing around me during the summer but they’re high up, hidden in the treetops. Maybe they’re bolder outside Plattsburgh and aere more apt to be found on the ground in the countryside.

    All I’ve photographed so far is a cicada shell someone found on the ground after it had molted.

    Have you ever heard anyone call the local cicadas as dogday harvest flies? I came across that nickname in a reference book. One old timer I met said that they used to call them “cigars.”



  • TourPro

    First, I’m what you would call an “amateur” photographer.

    That particular bug was perfectly alive, but somehow extremely lethargic. Of course, it was an opportunity not to be lost with such an alien looking thing. Loads of light so I didn’t need a tripod.

    I’m using a Canon A700. The macro capabilities are pretty intense. The really close shots were with the lens about a centimeter away from the bug. Apparently you can get add-on lenses – tele, wide, and macro. I can’t even imagine more macro! Heck, Luke, imagine if you had more macro? Yikes.

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