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Entries from February 24th, 2012

New Snow Means Winter Fun in the Adirondacks

February 24th, 2012 · No Comments · Adirondack News

Adirondack Mountain ClubLAKE PLACID, NY – The Adirondack Mountain Club (ADK) urges winter sports enthusiasts to dust off their cross-country skis and snowshoes and head for the Adirondack High Peaks.

More than 6 inches of new snow fell Wednesday night at ADK’s Heart Lake property near Lake Placid, and more snow was falling on Friday, creating great conditions for winter fun.

“Winter is definitely here in the High Peaks,” said Ryan Doyle, ADK’s outdoor leadership coordinator. “If you’ve been waiting all winter to get outside and play in the snow, now is your chance.”

ADK offers a variety of winter recreation programs for all ages and skill levels, from beginner snowshoe and cross-country skiing workshops to winter hikes up trailless high peaks. All ADK outdoor workshops are conducted by our experienced, highly trained staff, who can help you develop the confidence and skills you’ll need for safe and rewarding winter adventures in the backcountry.

If you are looking for a chance to get outdoors with the kids or grandkids, join ADK for Family Snowshoe Day on Saturday, March 3. Spend the day snowshoeing on the beautiful trails at our Heart Lake property while learning about natural history and winter ecology. ADK will provide the snowshoes and instruction. Kids under 6 are free.

For more information about ADK’s winter outdoor workshops, visit our website at or call (518) 523-3411.

ADK also offers incomparable lodging at the historic Adirondak Loj, 8 miles south of Lake Placid and as close as you can get to the East’s greatest wilderness. Accommodations include private rooms, bunkrooms and a loft, and meal plans are available. For reservations, call (518) 523-3441.

For current information on weather and trail conditions, contact the High Peaks Information Center at (518) 523-3441 Ext. 21.

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Lake Placid set to Unveil Plans for an International Sliding Sports Museum

February 22nd, 2012 · No Comments · Adirondack News

New York State Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA)LAKE PLACID, NY – The Lake Placid Olympic Museum, in conjunction with the New York State Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA), is in the planning stage for the International Sliding Sports Museum (ISSM) and its Science and Technology Park to be located at the Olympic Sports Complex at Mt Van Hoevenberg. This will be the inaugural annex for each of the ORDA venues and their respective sports.

Fans are invited to join the committee, Saturday, Feb. 25, at 2:30 p.m., for the unveiling of the museum’s planned exhibits and programs, at the Mt. Van Hoevenberg Lamy Lodge.

The first of its kind anywhere in the world, this preeminent facility will feature the history of the sports of bobsled, skeleton and luge at the home of North American sliding, where current and future Olympians from around the world train and compete.

With a significant collection on display at the Olympic Sports Complex and the Lake Placid Olympic Museum, the groundwork for this museum is already in place. Historic race sleds, equipment, video, photos, medals and trophies can already be seen at both locations, but a greater, more complete story remains to be told.

“Lake Placid is an ideal location for such a museum, it has played a vital role in the development and history of all of the sliding sports,” said ORDA chairman Patrick Barrett. “And because of its unique location, within a facility used by thousands of athletes from around the world, this location is ideal for educating the current and future athletes about the history and the development of their sports, while at the same time educating and inspiring a global audience.”

The Lake Placid Olympic Museum is a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit museum and invites your participation in this plan. If you wish to sponsor some part of this experience or have artifacts or stories that would enhance the collections, please contact the Museum at 518-302-5363, or Rebecca Dayton at the Olympic Sports Complex at 518-523-3419,

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Help Wild Life

February 20th, 2012 · No Comments · Miscellania

I believe they are referring to WWI.
Help Wild Life

History of DEC

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