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Entries Tagged as 'Destination Marketing'

Your Adirondack Base Camp

April 11th, 2011 · No Comments · Miscellania

Hey, did you know that Schroon Lake, New York is:

Easy to get to, Close to Everything?

Let’s see:

  1. Nestled in the Magnificent Adirondack Park? …… check
  2. Scenic Mountain Landscapes?….. check
  3. Endless Waterways, Beaches, and Wilderness?….. check
  4. Arts Community?….. check
  5. Main Street with General Store, Cafes, and Restuarants?….. check
  6. Authentic Adirondack Experience?….. check
  7. Saavy Travelers, Rugged Outdoors-people, and Families?….. check

Schroon Lake, NY is Adirondack Base Camp
Well, obviously it must be Your Adirondack Base Camp.
Check them out if you’re planning a trip to the Adirondacks.

Update: North Warren, NY too?!!

North Warren, NY - Another Adirondack Base Camp

Update II:Old Forge is “Adirondack Base Camp” for visitors who launch out near and far seeking everything from serenity to adventure.”

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Swiss Miss says, Please Visit

January 7th, 2010 · 7 Comments · Destination Marketing

Awesome! You know I love a good branding effort.

A little cleavage doesn’t hurt either.

(Thanks to @virtualDavis for this excellent piece of advertising.)

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