Provide a road map which will guide actions, activities, and programs.
Identify key strategic priorities for the next X years.
Mission Statement and Vision
- To serve the Community of Xxxxxxxxx; Improve Quality of Life and Economic Prosperity; Grow and Promote the tourism assets of the Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx of XX.
- To be Recognized as a Unique, Multi-season Destination.
Strategic Priorities
- Consistently, Effectively, and Efficiently promote the Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx brand
- Increase Tourism Visitation and Spending in the Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx
- Expand tourism season to maximize economic benefit
- Generate high quality inquiries for all Xxxxxxxxx tourism industry
- Recognizing our strengths, aim to disperse visitation throughout Xxxxxxxxx
- Provide low cost advertising opportunities and promotional tools for tourism
Marketing Activities
Brand Marketing – Job #1
Develop and Promote the Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx brand through:
information, promotion, public relations, trade marketing, strategic partnerships
Visitor and Industry Services
- Branded Sub-destinations, Visitor Centers,
- Comprehensive Information Services – Internet, Print, Mail
- Community Management – Inquiry Response, Q/A, Brand Marketing (social)
- Travel and Tourism Liaison for NYS and Regional Programs
- Tourism Advertising, Promotion, and Infrastructure Grant Program
- Industry Representative – State and National Tourism, Funding Admin
Public Relations
- Media relations and visits
- Traditional PR – writer assistance and story pitching
- Press release creation and distribution
- Digital Assets curation and media support
Education and Advocacy
- Education programs for tourism businesses
- Liaison with Organizations and Stakeholders
- Position Statements on Tourism related issues
Research and Analysis
- Identify and Collect Key Performance Indicators
- Gather and Report other Tourism related Economic Indicators
- Aggregate and Analyze Available Tourism Research
- Conduct Original Research
Situational Analysis
Strengths – Our USP
- Adirondack Park | Forest Preserve | Wilderness | Scenic Beauty
- Proximity to Feeder Markets – Airport – Local Destinations
- Safety and Security – Authentic Americana – Positive Affinity
- Value – something for everyone, expectations typically match reality
Challenges and Threats
- General Economic Conditions | Competition
- Cost of Doing Business | Taxes | Energy | Labor | Regulation
- Tourism Infrastructure | Cell Coverage | Broadband
- Traditional Transportation Barriers | Reliance on “drive-in” travelers
- Seasonality | Weather
- Environmental | Conservation Issues | Tourism Externalities
- Stable Budget | Managing Grant Program | State Matching Funds | Regional Marketing
- Leveraging existing and previous work done, website content relatively easy to build
- TPA status gains access to key partnerships for assistance in promotion
- Canadian Border Opening – take advantage of large travel segment
- New Travel Paradigms – More domestic travel, less Air Travel, ADK’s Strengths
Marketing 2020-21
Target Markets
- Boomer/Mature, Shoulder-season Travelers, Outdoor Recreation Enthusiasts, Scenic Touring, Family
- NYC Metro, Canada, NYS Feeders, All Others
- Spring – hike, raft, bird, fish, bike, events
- Fall – foliage, hunt, paddle, hike, bike, shopping, events
- Winter – snowmobile, ski (dh & xc), snowshoe, spa, shopping, events
- Year-round – Events, Group Tour, SMERF,
“First-Time Visitor”
- Brand Awareness Marketing
- Information Services
- Ambassador Program
“Extend the Season”
- Retention Marketing
- Mature Audience Targeting (those w/ time and $$)
- Shoulder-season and/or Weatherproof Elements
Priority Items
- Rebuild Information DB
- Website
- Grant Applications and Administration
2021 and Beyond
Continue to Develop and Implement the Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx brand.