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Days end

May 29th, 2021 · Adirondack Life

Days end

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The Black-Cap Tit

March 4th, 2021 · Adirondack Life

The Black-Cap Tit
“The Black-cap Titmouse, or Chickadee, is a truly northern species; so abundant indeed are they in the fur countries, that a family of them may be found in almost every thicket. They are equally numerous in our State, particularly in the northern counties.”

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February 26th, 2021 · News

North American Porcupine
HYSTRIX HUDSONIUS – North American Porcupine

“Body robust, thickset, with its dorsal outline arched. Head moderate, conic,
with the nose truncated, broad, and flattened above. Ears short and rounded, almost entirely hidden in the fur. Eyes small and black.”

“The Porcupine is an inoffensive animal, and very gentle in its manners. It feeds on the leaves and bark of the hemlock (Pinus canadensis), the basswood (Tibia glabra), and the ash (Fraxinus sambucifoha).”

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