Entries from June 23rd, 2010
The latest DEC Forest Ranger Activity Report just arrived, and there’s a distinct pattern to the incidents. Here are some highlights, full release after the jump:
- Hiking with a group of friends and reportedly had had nothing to eat or drink all day.
- 60 year old male from Canada whose eye had been impaled by a tree branch.
- Seizure from potential dehydration
- Fishing buddies “abandon” friend
- “pale and dizzy” – reportedly had been drinking water but had not eaten all day.
- Lost with kids
- More abandoned hiking friends
- No flashlights
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Tags: accident·dec·essex county·high peaks·hike·warren county·washington county
“Across the lake from Hotel Champlain, Lake Champlain, N.Y.”
Circa 1904 – About this item
“Lake Champlain from back-lawn of Clinton Community College”
Circa 2009 – Pano
Tags: clinton county·heritage·lake champlain
The rich diversity of natural life in the Adirondacks never ceases to fascinate me. Dr. Janet Mihuc at Paul Smiths College is leading an effort to inventory the Giant Silkmoths of the Adirondacks. She’s hoping that volunteer citizen-scientists will help by submitting sightings. Sightings will become part of the Adirondack All-Taxa Biodiversity Inventory (ATBI) database and will be used to construct occurrence maps for each silkmoth species. It’s thought that the numbers of these moths are on the decline and this data help establish a baseline for future studies.
Uh, these really are “Giant” moths:
Hyalophora cecropia (Robin Moth) (by Anita363)
Volunteer sightings are needed from all parts of Northern New York. Could be a really fun thing to do.
The survey runs through July 30, 2010. www.projectsilkmoth.org

Tags: paul smiths·wildlife