Governor Spitzer’s choice for DEC Chief, Alexander “Pete” Grannis, continues to receive scrutiny from North Country and other organizations. And much of that scrutiny has resulted in negative recommendations. Fulton County in the Southern Adirondacks now joins others in opposing the nomination.
Most of the criticism actually points to concern over policy issues, rather than simply his qualifications (Long-time Assemblyman based in New York City). Here’s something that has been going around up here in the Adirondacks and this is the first I’ve seen it mentioned:
Supervisors said Grannis also favors creation of a “super agency” called the “Adirondack Park Administration” to manage the Adirondacks, making “resource conservation” the group’s top goal.
…supports a special tax ranging from 5 to 80 percent…
I’ve even heard rumors of someone to lead this new “Super Agency”. Can anyone guess? As much as we need more government management </sarc>, somehow the imposition of another state organization of unelected officials driven by downstaters seems like a bad idea. Call me crazy.
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