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Bull Moose vs. Car

April 30th, 2009 · 5 Comments · News

I’m sure all my attentive “followers” noted this item:

Moose vs. Car Tweet

So, a guy I know (hard not to know everyone around here) was coming back from Bingo at Akwesasne last Sunday night.  Apparently it is a regular thing for he and his wife – huh, I would have never guessed.  Anyway, they were heading South on Route 374 and at the hilly, windy section missed hitting a moose by inches.  Being the kind of guy that he is, he immediately turned around to warn off any approaching motorists.  Too late, the next car hit the moose head-on at speed.  I heard it was a kid driving with Grandma.

View Bull Moose vs. Car in a larger map

I inquired about this and got the following confirmation from NYS DEC:

The moose was hit at approximately 1:28am, west of Sunset Rd between Merrill and Lyon Mountain.  The 900 lb bull moose was killed by the impact.  The car received extensive damage and the driver had minor injuries – complaints of head pains – but was not transported to the hospital.  This has been the first moose-vehicle colision in the area this year, and the last accident was almost a year ago.

On a side note, I almost got creamed several times yesterday on my bike by BAD DRIVERS.  Best to slow down and take things easy.

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5 Comments so far ↓

  • jodycb

    Moose are huge… not that I’ve ever seen one in the wild. I imagine it was a lucky break for the drivers that they didn’t get hurt. I always used to worry that one of our black horses would escape and stand in the middle of a dark road on a dark night and someone would get killed. Luckily, it never happened.

  • TourPro

    I would have to say that is a worry I’ve never had. Someday when I have a fleet of horses (pack? herd?) maybe.

  • Small Pines

    Interesting that it’s directly North of us. We had a few standing in the middle of Route 86 a few times last year. Neighbor had to stop and wait on one.

  • ken

    well, for whatever it is worth in Anchorage alone over 300 get killed every year and an Alaskan bull moose is closer to 2,000lbs and a lot of times definitely kills the driver when the car takes its legs out and it lands in the front seat…

  • TourPro

    Yeah, talk to those Scandinavians (LOL, or not!), about that.

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