Installation by Berry Matthews 3-9-2010 – Lake Champlain
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Tags: art·fire·ice·lake champlain·plattsburgh
Silly me. Had a meeting on Saturday – typical blah, blah, blah. K. was nice enough to provide some meeting supplies. Always count on a schoolteacher to have plenty of pads and pencils. Of course, I immediately become fascinated with the pencils (sorry folks!). I gotta get out more, as some might say, because I had never seen these before.
The Blackfeet Indian Pencil
“Hey, what’s up with these pencils?” It seems that K’s father was also a schoolteacher who used to supply his kids with these pencils. “Really, is that the box?” The box was in prime, unopened condition. She mentioned something about 25 years ago…maybe that’s when her dad passed? Anyway, full-box, all nicely pointy.
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Found some old postcards from the Council of the Arts for Clinton County. Pretty neat and more after the jump.
John Gallucci was the LARAC April 2007 Artist of the Month
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Tags: adirondacks·art