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Plattsburgh Press Supports Bicyclist Rights

August 28th, 2006 · No Comments · News

This appeared in today’s opinion section of the PR:

JEERS: to too many drivers in Plattsburgh who have lost sight of their legal obligation to share the roadway with bicyclists. We keep hearing reports from bikers that drivers have practically run them over, or at least they have failed to proffer the right-of-way when it was called for. Plattsburgh has a long tradition of giving first-rate treatment to bicyclists. It has gone to a lot of trouble to set up bike paths and redraw road lines to reflect bicyclists’ right to share the streets. This is not only a matter of individual rights; it is an acknowledgement that people who ride bikes are not burning gas, polluting the atmosphere and jeopardizing anybody’s safety. Except their own, as it turns out, because too many drivers aren’t extending them requisite courtesies, which are actually provided by law. We stand firmly behind bicyclists who demand their share of city streets. Far from being nuisances to drivers, they are actually making their city a better place by keeping their cars parked.

Excellent!! I completely agree with the sentiment, but I’d argue with the facts. “Plattsburgh has a long tradition of giving first-rate treatment to bicyclists. It has gone to a lot of trouble to set up bike paths and redraw road lines to reflect bicyclists’ right to share the streets.” I don’t know what qualifies as “long”. While some accommadation has been made, I have yet to see a single road in plattsburgh with a shared roadway path. Bicyclists have either been shunted onto a limited recreational path or onto inconvenient side streets. US Ave is the worst with no shoulder at all and a hard curb, or what I like to call “the sqeeze of death”. My advice to cyclists, Take the entire lane whenever necessary or desired. This include the entire length of Route 3/Cornelia – likely the most bicycle/pedestrian unfriendly road in the entire North Country.

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