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Entries from September 27th, 2006

Adirondack Travel Videos Worth Money

September 27th, 2006 · No Comments · Destination Marketing

What’s this? Your Adirondack travel videos worth money? Yes, it’s true. Yahoo is again raising the bar when it comes to Travel 2.0. A new feature will reward travel videos that users upload. Can we feature this? Great video and someone else pays. Nuff said.

Yahoo! Current Traveler (Dead)


Destination Sites as Travel 2.0 Platforms

September 26th, 2006 · No Comments · Destination Marketing

Where else would be the logical gathering place for destination specific reviews, to-do lists, top 10’s, and trip reports? Harness the power of the many to appeal to the individual.

In short, they need to become destinations where almost all value is created by the “readers,” not by the publisher or journalists.



Barefoot Hiking – Not recommended

September 22nd, 2006 · 2 Comments · Adirondack Life

I can’t resist making fun of these silly folks.

Fresh fall leaves, Mr. Guttmann said, are “crunchy and cool,” and mud is “black dough that squishes up between your toes.” Dennis Slattengren, a 60-year-old nudist who owns a vending machine route and who was at least wearing shorts for this trek, savored the texture of silt that has run onto concrete and partially dried — “like warm velvet,”

I’m sure he would savor the pain created by doing the Great Range barefoot. How about a barefoot 46, in all 4 seasons, from all 4 points of the compass? Ha!

If someone has to be rescued cuz they weren’t wearing shoes, should they be considered negligent?

Footloose and Boot Free: Barefoot Hiking

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