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Entries Tagged as 'web 2.0'

North Country Blogger/Tweeter Meet Up

September 3rd, 2009 · No Comments · News

Coffee! Is the Planet Shaking or is it Just Me?Are you a North Country blogger/tweeter/online communicator? Do you live in the Plattsburgh/Champlain Valley/Adirondack region? Check out the upcoming meet up in Plattsburgh:

WHO: North Country Bloggers, Tweeters, and other Online Creators.

WHAT: An informal meet up. Just hang out and talk with fellow online communicators.

WHEN: Sunday, Sept. 20th, at 1 – 2 PM.

WHERE: Koffee Kat, 104 Margaret Street, Downtown Plattsburgh. (The coffeehouse next to Cornerstone Bookshop: three-story purple building with yellow awnings out front. Do not confuse with Coffee Camp.)

WHY: Because online creativity can be a solitary pursuit (unless your computer talks back to you).

MORE INFO: luketbush (at) or Contact Me

Thanks to Luke, The Writog for organizing this.

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Travel SEO, Website Features, and Promotion

August 25th, 2009 · Comments Off on Travel SEO, Website Features, and Promotion · Destination Marketing

The Adirondacks - Our Great National PlaygroundI put together the following outline which would be my considered “bare minimum” for a comprehensive destination-marketing online program. While this may apply to a theoretical “Adirondack” program, it can easily be adjusted to work for any destination or brand. Obviously, each item is worthy of long discussion and debate. Would love to hear your opinion, and any items which I may have omitted.

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Twitter Reciprocity and #followfriday

May 1st, 2009 · 3 Comments · Adirondack Life

Today is Friday.  All you Twitter folks know what that means, #followfriday is the fashionable meme of the day. This post is LIVE DONE.

Follow me on TwitterDon’t get me wrong, I super-appreciate every recommendation I get, but I haven’t felt like playing along with the Friday-thing.  Why?  There’s no meta to go with the recommendation.  For me, it’s all about the Semantic Web.  The data is there, what information can we assign to it?  Same with users.  I wish the ability to tag Twitter users was something I could do, instead of relying on self-tags.

Enough with the Twitter navel-gazing, I’ll save that for another time.  Today is about you, my Twitter-people.

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