August 25th, 2009 · Comments Off on Travel SEO, Website Features, and Promotion · Destination Marketing
I put together the following outline which would be my considered “bare minimum” for a comprehensive destination-marketing online program. While this may apply to a theoretical “Adirondack” program, it can easily be adjusted to work for any destination or brand. Obviously, each item is worthy of long discussion and debate. Would love to hear your opinion, and any items which I may have omitted.
I’m actually thinking of giving ready-to-rock websites for Christmas as a fun and different gift. Super-easy and you can do it too. Or get one for yourself. As they say:
Consult the Documentation ask questions, and become a WordPress WordPress fan-expert yourself.
Note: I LOVE 1&1 for hosting and have not had any issues. If you choose 1&1 – you must edit your .htaccess file to enable PHP5, this is super easy and will let you enjoy all the new features.
“You’re 5 years ahead of your time.” That’s what someone told me when I suggested adding a “blog” to our site. Heck, I wanted to use it exclusively as the Content Management System. Maybe if I get someone else to sing this tune, it will be more effective.