I normally don’t link to most accident or crime items, but the recent spate of snowmobile incidents in the Adirondacks and vicinity are notable.
Lewis County woman hospitalized following snowmobile crash
Police investigating fatal snowmobile accident
“The faster he could go, the better,” said Waller, adding that Gullis had recently spoken about adding nitrous oxide to his snowmobile to make it go faster. “He couldn’t wait to get out there.”
Morrisonville man killed in Waverly snowmobile crash
Man in critical following snowmobile crash
3 die when snowmobiles go through ice on Vt. lake
Luke noted over the weekend an advertisement he found in a local weekly. It featured a snowmobiler “Gunning it, flying through the air”. Obvious questions about promotional imagery and safety. (Not-so-obvious question about advertising rationale.)
Portrayals of cyclists are frequently criticized if they are shown lacking head protection. Heck, we ban cigarette and liquor ads altogether. When does the harm caused by an activity outweigh its economic benefit? Unfortunately, these days that point is only reached when the economic cost exceeds the benefit.
I’m sort of happy to say that we moderated our video to make it less “snowmobile-aggressive” and to include a variety of other Winter activities. Hope this is the last we hear of accidents this season.
I was coming home from Saranac the other day and saw a group of snowmobiles on Route 374. Strange how it is forbidden for ATV, but OK for sleds.
I caught 2 of the 3, they were going 50-60 mph. The 3rd guy I didn’t catch till he stopped at Quarry Rd. That guy must have been going 70+mph most of the way. I’m sure it’s a thrill.
I’m not against sledding, but those things scare me.
Being at the edge of a snowmobiling hub, I see plenty of ’em. I have to say, for the most part, people are safe and responsible. However, the ones that aren’t more than tip the balance. Suffice it to say – I’ve only been watching this for two months, and I have a lifetime of “How is that guy still alive?” memories.
That flyer I discussed on my blog: it wouldn’t be as bad if it had a disclaimer below the image saying “Trained professional. Do not imitate.”
I checked out your Adirondack winter video — pretty good job. I don’t like winter but it almost won me over… [G]
“Do not Imitate” would be good.
Two more reported today:
Fatal snowmobile crash in Wolcott, 7th death of the season
Maine snowmobiler dies on lake
Snowmobiling is a great past time for my Girlfreind and I but with the lost of one of my close freinds a few weeks ago ,it has me thinking of ways to make snowmobiling safer. I think they should close the trails to log trucks and vehicles or close the trails to sleds . Vehicle and sleds don’t mix . The other thing is to use your head and control the speed and the drinking on sleds . Talk to your Snowmobile clubs and fellow snowmobilers and stress how important this is for you ,your family and fellow snowmobilers to protect the sport and yourself because your spouse and chilren need you to come home after a day of enjoyment on the trail system . BE SAFE and enjoy.
This is really sad:
Mark D. Nichols
One man dead, one critical after snowmobile accident
Sadly, he was only 21 years old.
No helmets, and drunk….
Oriskany woman’s body recovered from Old Forge lake
2nd snowmobile fatality in Webb in 24 hours
Lewis County man in critical condition after snowmobile accident
Dang, it’s not even the weekend yet.
Buffalo-area man in fair condition after snowmobile accident in south of county; charged with intoxication
One dead, another seriously injured in Lewis County snowmobile crash
Fatal snowmobile crash on Upper Chateaugay