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Public Invited to Learn About Possible Training Activities for F-35 Aircraft

May 10th, 2012 · 3 Comments · Adirondack News

Northern NY Military Air Space Committee
Hosts Vermont Air National Guard

At the invitation of the Northern New York Military Air Space Committee, the Vermont Air National Guard (VANG), 158th Fighter Wing, Burlington, Vermont will present information on the possible training activities of the F-35 aircraft over the Adirondacks on Wednesday, May 16, from 4 to 7 PM at the Tupper Lake Train Depot in Tupper Lake, NY.

Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning IIThe public informational meeting will provide an opportunity for Adirondack residents to learn about training activities which could occur over the Adirondacks if the F-35 aircraft is assigned to VANG’s 158th Fighter Wing.

The United States Air Force is accepting public comment on the F-35A Operational Basing Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) until June 1, 2012. Copies of the DEIS, and Executive Summary of the DEIS and other information regarding the F-35 Aircraft can be obtained at

Those wishing to provide comments may send them to:

Mr. Nicholas Germanos, HQ ACC/A7PS
129 Andrews St., Suite 332
Langley AFB, VA 23665?2769

Also, an official hearing on the DEIS is being held on Thursday, May 17 from 5 to 8 PM at Case Middle School, 1237 Washington Street, Watertown, NY. Public comments will be accepted at this hearing.

The Tupper Lake Train Depot is located at 37 Depot Street, just off Main Street/State Route 3 in the Village of Tupper Lake.

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3 Comments so far ↓

  • Robin Fox

    TERRIBLE news! What if the plane crashes somewhere in the upper wildernesses? Imagine the damage done to the land with”rescue,” or of fire? And then there’s the infernal noise those war games inflict on our precious “Forever Wild” country. Why play war games over national treasure? Why play war games at all?

  • Warren Harman

    We have lived with training flights for a long time. They are only over us for a short time and they are interesting to watch. I look forward to their assignment to the Vermont National Guard.

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