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Entries Tagged as 'adirondacks'

161,000 Acres

June 13th, 2008 · 1 Comment · News

Pretty stunning scenery and a convincing argument.

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Essential Air Service is Bad

December 26th, 2007 · 4 Comments · News

I am not an airline industry expert, but I am an air traveler and a taxpayer. I ran across this article many months ago when I started following the developments surrounding the airport here in Plattsburgh. While I believe there is potential here, I firmly also hold to the idea that trying to remediate our terrible New York business environment through taxpayer-funded subsidies will never work. In a recent interview with our de-facto Clinton County economic development head, ANN’s Paul Plack gets the official story about how we went from SAC base with nuclear bombers to Plattsburgh International Airport with flights to Florida:

Special Feature: Gary Douglas, Plattsburgh International Airport
(I had to use IE to get this page to work, Gads…)

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This is your Co-pilot speaking…

November 1st, 2007 · No Comments · Destination Marketing

Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for turbulence. The Captain has left the aircraft and I’m now holding the wheel. There is no communication from the tower…
