While trolling some web stats over lunch, I found this: Melissa and David :: The Wedding(Sorry, deadlink, but here’s a nice book)
Wow, the internet continues to amaze me! This website was prepared as an online planning guide for the wedding guests of Melissa and David, but I think it is much more than that. Think about it. These guys want their friends and family to come. They want to welcome them, make their trip easy, entertain them, house them , feed them, etc. Sound familiar?
Call me crazy, but wouldn’t it be great for a destination to provide such a service online for weddings, reunions, events, hiking trips? Some kind of Web 2.0 Travel Trip Planner? We have been focused on getting people to come to our destination, but now we can also provide the tool for people to come and do things together.
Congratulations to you Melissa and David! Thanks for a nice lesson in destination marketing.
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