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Entries from May 29th, 2008
Sometimes I Wear a Tie
May 29th, 2008 · No Comments · Adirondack Life
How To Tie a tie with the ‘Plattsburgh’ knot
Seems like “Business-casual” is here-to-stay. For most of my life, putting on a tie only happened as part of donning a “uniform”. Early on, this meant special occasions when I would have to wear a suit – graduations, weddings, funerals, etc. (I have to shamefully admit, after “Saturday Night Fever” came out, there was a thankfully brief moment when ties weren’t required). Later, the “uniforms” were mostly work-related.
Now it is sort of back to the special occasion status, the Adirondack lifestyle (North Country) is decidedly casual. Ran across this video and now maybe I’ve found a reason to reexamine my tie collection.
The “Plattsburgh” knot is named after the small town in up-state New York where Thomas Fink, inventor of the knot and co-author of the book “The 85 ways to tie a tie“, is born. In contrast to its narrow close relative the “St. Andrew”, the “Plattsburgh” produces a symmetric knot characterized by a broad cone with a narrow opening.
I guess you could say that this is a classic example of North Country brain-drain. Interestingly, Fink is a theoretical physicist and also author of the mini-classic, “The Man’s Book“. Cool.
Tags: plattsburgh
Bow Down to the New King of Travel – Google
May 27th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Destination Marketing
Power users have always used Google for everything, including travel. Today the vast majority of all travelers are using the internet for every phase of their consumptive cycle and it is no surprise that Google’s market share continues to rise.
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Tags: advertising·google·web 2.0