Entries from September 30th, 2008
So, a few weeks ago there was some buzz on the street about the new trail up Lyon Mt. Not often we get new trails in the Adirondacks – especially purpose-built hiking trails. The old trail up is an example of the old-style of hiking where the “direct route” was favored. I won’t bore you with a trip report. What you need to know is this: The trail is longer. Though much easier, it takes about an hour longer.
(Large Map)
Here’s a screenshot from Google Earth showing the old trail (red) and new trail (green).

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Tags: chazy lake·climb·clinton county·hike·lyon mt
Motorists should be alert for moose on roadways in the Adirondacks and surrounding areas at this time of year – a peak of moose activity – the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) cautioned today.
Early fall is the breeding season for moose in northern New York. During this time moose are wandering to look for mates, leading them to areas where they are not typically seen. While this improves the opportunities for people to enjoy sightings of a moose, it also increases the danger of colliding with one on the roadway.
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Tags: accident·dec·moose·wildlife
It’s apple season in the North Country. Did you know that I live in the McIntosh Apple Capital? Well, it’s true, I’m surrounded by apples. At this time of year, cider and donuts RULE.
Funny thing though, I’ve always had this silly song in my head every time bunches of apples are mentioned. I always thought that this was just a way to get a girl on the rebound.
One bad apple don’t spoil the whole bunch girl.
Oh, I don’t care what they say
I don’t care what you heard.
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Tags: economic development·lodging·marketing·saranac lake·web 2.0