A Travel Brand is a Powerful Thing (via Cheapest Destinations)
As tourism professionals we are constantly seeking our destination’s unique selling proposition. The proliferation of competition coupled with increasingly efficient information networks has made the marketing of destinations a real battle for survival.
“Travelers don’t like to think of destinations as brands, but you can bet the people marketing them are thinking about them that way all the time. Words like “positioning,” “demographics,” and “lifestyle segments” are as much a part of meetings at tourism offices as they are at Frito-Lay and Sony. “
We are fortunate that the “Adirondack” brand is one that is recognizable and marketable. But is it really? In all the conversations in this regard, meetings, round tables, focus groups, etc. the mysterious “Adirondack” is much debated.
When it comes to recommendations, at least we are in the running:
“If you want to find a great travel deal, look at the places that can barely pay to play.”
Relatively speaking, the Adirondack Region is still a real travel bargain.
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