I actually think that this strategy of turning the ordinary into something extraordinary is genius marketing. Check out this video:
Think about it. Turning clothing into a self-actualization activity makes shopping both fun and essential.
I actually think that this strategy of turning the ordinary into something extraordinary is genius marketing. Check out this video:
Think about it. Turning clothing into a self-actualization activity makes shopping both fun and essential.
Tags: advertising·branding·saatchi and saatchi
i remember first seeing this and thinking, “wow, go jc penny?!”. they seemed to be in a real slump, and this new campaigning (surprise, saatchi…) is really cool.
do you find macy’s spot in a similar light?
That was fun, especially The Donald and the blowdryer.
So, are all these stars merchandising stuff there? I thought Martha Stewart was Kmart. (Oh) She must be fully rehabilitated because this kind of seems like a step-up. To be in the same class as Usher and that Coombs fella.
Honestly though? I can’t relate to any of those “icons”. When we do fashion in the Burgh, it usually means whatever showed up at TJ Max.
It is an interesting idea, just not sure if anyone thinks it is real