One of the disconnects we enjoy in New York is the perception of NYC versus the rest of the state. We have misconceptions about them and likewise. I sometimes pick-up various city-type publications, like the New Yorker, and reading it makes me wonder if indeed this is the same planet that I live on. 
Not too long ago, the Sports Illustrated crew decided to do some local shots for their famed swimsuit issue. A guy I know had the gig of doing ‘authenticity consulting’ with them. Can’t blame these professionals for liking cool locations to bring their models and stuff. I really don’t understand why my kids don’t like going to camp.
A recent fashion show ‘down there’ is looking to capitalize on another misconception about North Country life.
I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay.
That’s what well-dressed dudes will be saying come autumn – judging from the ubermasculine mens’ looks stomping around so far at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.
I like the fact that they are using the term ‘ubermasculine’. Sometimes when I look around me, the lines between feminine and masculine get confused – I don’t see many ‘well-dressed’ and they all look like ‘dudes’.
Early men’s shows were all about manly men clothes in earthy colors (New York is going to have a brown-out in September) and chunky textures that would be as home on hunters, anglers and mountain men in the Adirondacks as they will be on fashion-conscious men stalking their prey on Madison Ave. and Wall St.

What the heck is this?
I don’t like the way this trend is going at all. Is this the result of branding the Adirondacks all these years? I’m not even going to upload the pic of the ‘sweater pants’. I defy anyone to ‘stalk’ any prey with this outfit on. Hell, with those boots on, you couldn’t even run away from the real lumberjacks that would like to take this guy ‘logging’. And where does he hide his chainsaw oil?
Here’s my hot tip for city visitors: Try not to go ‘native’ if you don’t know what you’re talking about.