Let me start by immediately dispelling the notion that MySpace is the model to emulate.
But for those grappling with the notion of Web 2.0, this might be the easiest example to understand. Previous mention of developing and implementing travel information verticals utilizing the New Media of Blogs, Online Videos, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing seems to echo much of what is being screamed in the blogosphere.
Travel is the next huge sector where Web 2.0 implementation will happen. We are seeing it already with Yahoo! Travel Planner.
“We feel like it’s going to be a tremendously disruptive time. We think it’s going to change who the players are” in online travel, says John Bray, a vice president at PhoCusWright Inc., an independent travel and tourism research firm in Sherman, Conn., that has spent the past 13 years closely watching how the travel industry uses the Internet. “It’s going to stimulate a lot of positive change because anything that empowers consumers is great for business.”For example, TripAdvisor.com, which bills itself as the largest travel community in the world (3.5 million registered users), is plopped squarely in the middle of the Travel 2.0 camp…
Its motto, “real stories from real travelers,” gets to the heart of the matter: Much of the content is provided by those who visit the site and share their experiences. The material goes far beyond simply rating a hotel or resort. In forums, for example, visitors can discuss all aspects of a destination with others who have been there or are planning a trip.
Putting the power into the hands of the consumer. Leveraging the strength and knowledge of the masses of “converted” customers. That is the future and tremendous disruption is certain. Lots of stakes involved behind the scenes. Especially when these products are appearing at a rate that leave traditional marketing organizations in the dust. Like it or not, when it comes to marketing, the ultimate decision-makers will be the consumers.
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