A big surprise this morning – my fair city’s own newspaper, Plattsburgh’s Press Republican has launched another blog. Another blog? Yup, as previously mentioned, they’ve already gone 2.0, in an almost invisible way. Now their newsroom gets to join the fun.
First published in 1811, the Press Republican remains one of less than a handful of “old media” left in the North Country. In a way, their experience reflects the impact of the new internet and the struggle to adapt. They should take a lesson from the Grey Lady. Adapt or die. A recent Q/A with Arthur Sulzberger revealed this gem:
“I really don’t know whether we’ll be printing the Times in five years, and you know what? I don’t care either,”
Not so inspiring if you’ve gotten stock options as compensation. The battle for survival among the “old media” is already leaving a trail of destruction. Witness some of the recent layoffs and “downsizing”. Managing the transition from print (analog) to internet (interactive) is already hard enough without dogged citizen journalists nipping at your heels. I’m pleased to say that this simple addition to the Press’s repetoire might be the key to their survival. But just like any infant, the early days will make all the difference. It will take more than just the will to live, but also the nurturing and discipline of strong parents.
Kudos to Lois Clemont, the Press Republican’s News Editor, for addressing in their first post the most pressing issue of journalism today – objectivity. I don’t expect any human being to be 100% objective, I’d rather know where they are coming from. If I know the person, I can better understand their perspective and appreciate their take on current events. In many ways, this has been the critical element behind the demise of traditional journalism. There is no greater loss for a reporter than the loss of credibility.
Staff writers Stephan Bartlett and Kim Smith Dedam follow up with more personal observations. What better way to get to know the messenger? Good Luck to the staff and reporters of the Press Republican with their new venture! Watch out Foxy.
On the Beaten Path – A forum for lively discussion about interesting newspaper topics and a look at the behind-the-scenes workings of the Press-Republican newsroom.
Other local blogs:
Anti-Press Ezine
This Guy Living in Plattsburgh
Champlain Taste
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