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Entries Tagged as 'media'
The New Press Republican Dot Com
April 24th, 2007 · No Comments · News
Update: (4-21-10) They did it again.
The newly revamped Press has created a mangled mess of permalinks. You’d think that a simple 301 redirect would have been implemented at the very least. I’ve tagged articles for years (and search engines have indexed them too), now that is all for nothing. Electronic media shame.
Tags: media·plattsburgh
Adirondack Daily Enterprise News Archives
April 10th, 2007 · 5 Comments · News
Update: Since this post was originally written, the archives of the Adirondack Daily Enterprise are now Permalinks. They are now the Best Newspaper in the Adirondacks!
Question: Are there any permanent archives of ADE articles online? Thanks.
Answer: Not at this time.
Migrated to recently. Pretty sweet handle. All the imported bookmarks were not shared so I’ve had to go through each one. Laborious, but interesting. Somehow I never noticed that the Adirondack Daily Enterprise only has articles online for 14 days. No archives. How lame is that? The above Q/A is from an email exchange with the “Webmaster”.
It is a real shame that some of the best reporting about the region is lost after 14 days. Not to mention the serious loss of Adirondack search engine mojo. How can a newspaper in the Adirondacks, specializing in Adirondack news, rank lower than this site for Adirondack News?
Tags: media·saranac lake·seo·webdesign