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Entries from February 27th, 2009

I Have a Dream

February 27th, 2009 · No Comments · Destination Marketing

Social Media MarketingCould it really be true that only a year has passed?  It seems like it was all a dream.  Let me tell you about it.

I once dreamed that I’d be harnessing the web for Business Intelligence and Brand Marketing.  You see, in this fantasy, I was building a Mythological Brand.  Much like a Priest, my Mission-in-Life would be to Spread the Word about The Brand.  Mobilizing my Army of Disciples, we would march forth with Our Message.  Because We Believe that it is only through Our Brand, that Self-Actualization can be achieved.

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The End of the World?

February 24th, 2009 · 4 Comments · News

Coffee and Gmail, breakfast of Champions.

Gmail is Down.

Gfail – heh.

“LOL, where were you during the #Gfail of 2009?”

Dang it, do have to Twitter now too? Someone might owe me lunch for snagging the best user name.

6:54 AM – Hey, it’s kinda fun to be part of the worldwide disaster of epic proportions!

7:45 AM – Seeing reports that things are coming back up in the USA, but not yet here in NNY.

8:00 AM – Happy to report that I’m logged in. FF extensions still buggy, but that’s OK. Weird, I had to fill in a CAPTCHA after logging in, but before the Inbox. Never had that before.

Many of our users had difficulty accessing Gmail today. The problem is now resolved and users have had access restored. We know how important Gmail is to our users, so we take issues like this very seriously, and we apologize for the inconvenience. Gmail Help

More Gfail News:

Trouble In The Clouds: Gmail Turns Into Gfail

Gmail fails: Tech world grinds to a halt

Google Gmail crash: What is Gmail?


Cabin Fever 2009

February 22nd, 2009 · No Comments · Adirondack Life

